quarantine diary #4 - gratitude

Shit news, shit prospects. 

Ten things I am grateful for:

My beautiful, and I mean beautiful, view over the quad.

Fortuitously bringing some art things with me, so I can paint in between the work. 

Finishing my extended essay, enjoying writing my extended essay, feeling semi pleased with said extended essay. 

Being able to try out new outfit combos in the warmth and seclusion of my room 

Friends for checking in and reaching out. 

Doing a different kind of exercise for a week, and feeling my body burn in a different way. 

Slower mornings and slower breakfasts. 

Writing letters. 

Having the mildest corona symptoms in the world. 

Being able to hear my friends singing riptide obnoxiously loudly, and knowing I'll be there in a matter of days (update: they're onto their 4th rendition and the noise cancelling headphones are going on)

Food deliveries, and extra treats people put in amongst the essentials. 

Having the permission to stop and be.

I wrote this in my diary today: 

'Have I ever had this degree of permission to stay inside, and do nothing but paint pointless, random objects covered in lashings of gold paint, and listen to happy music, and feel nothing of the angst or sickness that usually swamps me when I try and do nothing? There is no demand, I have practically finished my essay, and legally am not allowed to leave my room. So I have surrendered to the total permission to do what I want, what makes my mind go empty, what feels so natural and so soothing'

It was good moment, and there are so many conflicting emotions attached with this isolation. A wanting to get out, but an enjoyment of the pace. A need to see people but a need to retain the seclusion. 
Just another bizarre feeling to contend with in these crazy times. 

What are you grateful for?


  1. Ah I've been enjoying these diaries Katie! They're such a great way to document the time spend alone and the highs and lows. I'm glad you're doing ok and pushing through, it will go faster I'm sure. Taking the time to just be can be challenging when it feels like you're alone with your thoughts, but doing art and keeping busy always helps me too! Your view is so beautiful out the window too, I am so jel. Also obsessed with the hair scarf. Sending love xx

    1. Yay, thank you Lexie! Isn't it beautiful, I wake up in the morning and still can't believe I basically look at a castle hah! lots of love, hope you're staying safe xx

  2. I love this so much, it's so poetic and captures the essence of quarantine days.
