pages/sites ima lovin'

I have come across some [web] pages and sites recently that I am desperate to share, for their imparting wisdom or just blummin' beauty.
Maybe you'll feel inspired and creative too.

General sites I've been loving:
Rookie mag
Kiloran mag
Plasma dolphin
The messy heads
Noors Place
A pair & a spare (specifically for DIY)
The things the books forgot
Lauryn's notebook

More specific pages:
How to hang out solo and not feel weird about it: (this is good for me because all my bestest pals are currently in Ecuador for 16 days  so ima need some entertainment)
5 things to make with clay
An ode to teenage girls
Femme-entrailles (some funky french self empowerment)
Collage kit
DIY off-the shoulder top

If anyone has any other suggestions of pages/blogs/sites, leave them below!

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  1. I've been loving posts like these recently, it's nice to see an 'internet' version of a favourites post!
    Aleeha xXx
