
Life is b-u-s-y.

Last weekend was undeniably shit, I was worried about my head and feeling trapped and never enjoying myself.
I've lost those captivating fears as the days have drifted on, they'll return one day.
Over the weekend, I discovered one of my triggers is an empty schedule. I had mixed thoughts about triggers, an annoying fragment of my brain told me that avoiding the trigger is like hiding from the problem. Possibly partially true, but not going to help me get anywhere. I will find my triggers and avoid them.
You should too.

So, I have packed my days. I am busy, perhaps a little too.
I have spent this week bare faced, watching Bridget Jones Baby (fantastic), working (as in earning DOLLA-I have a job!), writing essays, reading books, playing my flute, planning a London trip, going for meals, buying new pens, walking miles and sleeping. I am finding there aren't enough hours in the day to do the things that tend to my soul. I will crash at this rate, but at the moment it feels good.
I've been so busy I haven't watched GBBO.
Friday evening was spent in the place that housed the majority of my 16 year old drunk memories, happily induced by rum and coke, playing cards and taking pics.
It didn't feel as joyous when I had to get up for a train at 5:45 the next day, tired and groggy. I went to Manchester for the open day. The university was totally not my thing, the accommodation was horrific, and would, I know, be disastrous for my mental health and over all it feel uninspiring, incoherent and massive.
After boycotting the talks, we replenished eating mezze in the trees and enriching our minds with art, of which I managed to capture a few prohibited photos.
A raucous train home sat on the floor and I ended up at my pals, playing cards while they drank wine and I refreshed myself with Ribena.
Sunday I made a banana cake and ate it on the beach and washed my plaits that hadn't been touched since Wednesday (rank I know).

What have y'all been up to?

p.s check out my insta


  1. busy is a way to describe how i have been over the past few weeks. grades, drama, and friends are some of the reasons why. but like you, being busy is good for me- otherwise i'll sit on social media all day...not good.

    1. Oh dear sounds stressful-hope it's all okay!! Hahah yes so true :)

  2. That's an interesting concept: triggers. I've never really thought about them and perhaps I do have a few...and I don't think it's bad to avoid them because they're causing you distress. It's like doing something you don't want to do, y'know? Maybe one day we can stop making triggers..triggers, but for now, i think it's healthy to not try to fight them now until we know we're ready!
    I am currently getting ready for a trip to Mexico for a wedding this weekend and am super excited!! Going to be a busy week, but, like you, not being busy can be a trigger for me. (btw that piece of art is way cool)

    1. Yes I definitely agree-I guess everyone has triggers that make their day worse or puts them in a bad mood but the degree of its impact varies.
      Wow that sounds super cool hope you have an amazing time!!x

  3. Ooh, are you enjoying your new job? I really want to start working soon!
    Aleeha xXx
